Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What do Imelda Marcos and completing a womans outfit have in common......I'ts all about the shoes!!

Well the last few runs, my left leg and ankle are killing about a quarter mile from the end of my run. I consulted my father-in-law who is a runner and stuart skeeter (also a great runner), and they say I must invest in a great pair of shoes for my size and because I am a beginner. Now you have to understand, I am a cheapskate when it comes to buying clothes/shoes. I reluctantly listen and go to one the run and shop for running shoes.

Now the young lady who helps me asks me to walk to she can see if I pronate or something else I can't remember. After walking she states I have a good walk and don't really pronate, so now it is time to try on shoes. After measuring my foot she retreats to the back leaving me to peruse the wall of shoes, and I become nervous as I see pricesof $129, $149, $189. I think what am I getting myself into! My assistant returns from the back with some boxes and gives me a right shoe of one type and the left shoe of another and asks me to go out the door and run and see how they feel. Now to someone who runs all the time, I guess this forest gump approach of runnings like a box a chololates......, but for a beginner they felt the same.

After "running around outside like a dork" I went back in and told her they felt similar and I would go with her recommendation. Now, I have yet to ask her the most important question, "HOW MUCH" and a line from White Christmas came to me, "Right between Ouch and Boing!" She then informs me that the shoe is a 6 month old model and that she can give me a 20% discount. But I said, "The Tab, HOW MUCH!" When she told me, I was reasonably okay (especially since I had consulted runner "skeeter" and he said that was very reasonable and fair.

So, tomorrow is another day and i will be that giddy little girl with the new church shoes. Hopefully I won't have to be Dorthy and click my heals together 3 times just to make it back home

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