Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Houston......we have a problem!!!

The men of Apollo 13 faced an issue, clean air. Engineers on the ground knew how to do that, problem is that they didn't have the luxury of time or materials. they had to find a new way to solve the problem and realized they had to fit a round peg into a square hole. Well after running now for 3 weeks, my knees and left ankle just can't take the pounding with my weight. So I need to do the round peg into the square hole. I still intend on running a 5K, it will just take a little longer than I had set for my goal. I have joined 24 hour fitness and will be doing bike and eliptical until I can get the weight down enough so that it is not a shock my knees and ankle.

Because I haven't been able to exercise like I wanted, my weight has plateu'd now still at down 14LBS. Of course I didn't do that great either when it came to my eating. That is the hardest part...I love food. I love the taste, the creativity, the smell...everything. So reprogramming my brain is taking longer, but I am learning.

So as I am heading back to earth through the atmosphere I know that all the things that God has planned are aligning and he will give me strength and guide me.

See you at splashdown.

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