Monday, January 5, 2009

Diary of a Mad Fat Man: The Naked Truth - Chapter 1

Monday, January 6, 2009, the first post of what is going to shape up to be a monumental life change. I have decided that this is not a "diet" but a lifestyle change, a change in habits and portions. I have adopted a few ideas from several places, but mainly from Weight Watchers (which my wife has done for years) and a neighbor across the street who lost over 100lbs by just watching what he ate.

I will have a weekly update just like weight watchers so I can see where I stand each week. I start the week tipping the scales at 350 lbs. Now according to the National Weight/Height Chart, I should be around 222 lbs, but I am going to float myself an extra 28 lbs to get to 250 lbs. Even giving myself the little fudging, I am looking at 100 lbs. Now that is not out of the question, and can be done. As the old joke goes, Q: "How do you eat an elephant?" A: "One bite at a time!"

Now, you may be looking at the photo and saying, "wow, did he really put that on there?" It's not like I haven't had my shirt off in public and I'm not ashamed, but it's one of those "keeps you honest" moments, a reflection of the past. I know now how the contestants on biggest loser feels actually barring it all for the public. It is a different feeling when you take your shirt off to go swimming (I really never cared), and when you take it off to be "analyzed."

So, eating good has started today, workouts/running starts tomorrow (especially if I am going to run a 5K/3.1 miles, on Feb. 28) when I can't even run around the block right now.

To be week!

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