Monday, January 12, 2009

Diary - Chapter 2: Will Smith's new movie

Now some would say, "What is with that title?" Well if you know your movies, his current movie is "7 pounds," that is also the amount of weight I lost last week. I had expected more, but honestly I didn't work as hard on the food part as I probably could have. The running was consistant, but now I take it up one notch on the training level which will be interesting since my current training is 6 minutes walk 1 minute run and my shins and left ankle kill. This week it is stepped up to 5 minutes walk 2 minutes run. Now that may not seem like alot, but to someone who doesn't run, it is huge. I know I can do it, it just takes perseverance. Procrastination is my enemy....laziness is my achilies is my motivator.....God is my protector!

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